Andrés Ibáñez

Andrés Ibáñez

(Madrid, 1961) Author and columnist. He has written poetry and, above all, novels. Among others:  La música del mundo (1995), El mundo en la Era de Varick (1999), La sombra del pájaro lira (2003), El parque prohibido (2005) and Memorias de un hombre de madera (2009), La lluvia de los inocentes, (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2012) in addition to the short story collection El perfume del cardamomo (2008). He is a regular contributor to ABC Cultural. His novel, Brilla, mar del Edén (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2014), was awarded the Premio Nacional de la Crítica. His latest published works in Galaxia Gutenberg are: La duquesa ciervo (2017), the meditation manual Construir un alma, the short story collection Un maestro de las sensaciones and the novel Nunca preguntes su nombre a un pájaro (2019). His 2022 historical essay Leonís. Vida de una mujer (Lumen).


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