Bárbara Mingo
(Santander, 1978) holds a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Complutense University. She is co-founder of the film magazine Cabeza borradora and has published the poetry books ‘De ansia de goznes mi alma está llena’ and ‘Al acecho’, along with the serialised novel ‘Corazón de crustáceo’ and the literary essay ‘Vilnis’, dedicated to the Lithuanian artist Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis, as well as short stories in various anthologies. His latest book is ‘Lloro porque no tengo sentimientos’ (I cry because I have no feelings), released in 2024 by La Navaja Suiza. He has published articles in Letras Libres, La playa de Madrid, Babelia, M21 and El Estado Mental, of which he was a member.