Daniel Gascón
(Zaragoza, 1981) studied English and Hispanic philology at the University of Zaragoza. He has published the short story books ‘La edad del pavo’ (Xordica, 2001), ‘El fumador pasivo’ (Xordica, 2005) and ‘La vida cotidiana’ (Alfabia, 2011), and a family memoir, ‘Entresuelo’ in (Literatura Random House, 2013). His most recent books are the novel ‘Un hipster en la España vacía’ and its recently published sequel ‘La muerte del hipster’, both published by Literatura Random House. He has translated for authors such as Saul Bellow, Christopher Hitchens and N.S. Naipaul. He is responsible for the Spanish edition of Letras Libres magazine and is a columnist for El País. He published the short story collection El padre de tus hijos (Literatura Random House) in 2023.
Photo © Mordinski
Enrique Vila-Matas
Glamur agro