Elena Sierra

(Bilbao, 1980), a graduate in Journalism from the UPV/EHU, she is a regular columnist for the newspaper El Correo and the municipal newspaper Bilbao, and sometimes works in communication and the organisation of conferences and events. She has participated in the creation of audiovisual scripts and written, in cooperation with other authors, books on family and collective memory such as ‘Bakio: el pueblo habla a través de sus símbolos’ (Bakio: the town speaks through its symbols) and ‘Un viaje de ida y vuelta. Peripecias de la familia Goffard por Europa’ and the novel ‘El hacedor de titulares’. Alone and flying solo, she is the author of texts such as ‘Historia de una escuela: Escuelas Zabala’ and ‘Nicolás María de Urgoiti. Castillos de papel’. She reads fast, laughs a lot.


Fernando Aramburu


Fernando Aramburu