Javier Montes
(Madrid, 1976) His first novel, Los penúltimos, was awarded the José María de Pereda Prize. He later published Segunda parte, also in Pre-Textos. La ceremonia del porno (2007), written with Andrés Barba, was awarded the Anagrama Essay Prize. In 2010, Granta magazine included him in the list of the best young Spanish-language storytellers. He contributes to El País, Granta, Artforum and The Literary Hub. His work has been acknowledged with the Civitella Ranieri Fellowship, the BBVA Foundation’s Leonardo Scholarship and an invitation as a resident writer at MALBA in Buenos Aires. For Anagrama he has also published La vida de hotel (2012), Varados en Río (2016) and Luz del Fuego (2020).
Leonora Carrington: la risa en el tejado