Josune Velez de Mendizabal
(Gasteiz, 1977) studied theatre at the TAE and Baratza Aretoa, as well as at the University of the Basque Country, obtaining a degree in acting. She is the founder of the group Tranpola, and became known as a creator at the 2016 Zurrunbilo Festival with ‘Oingoan Bai! In 2017 she worked with the company Josune Parasite at the Vitoria International Theatre Festival, as part of the Enredados call. She currently works as an actress and distributor in the company Pez Limbo. In 2020 she created and produced ‘Kittorik ez!’ together with Ane Gebara and Jason Guerra, in a company they named Les Bobé-Bobè. Over the last year she has created the Mamiak ensemble along with Marina Ortiz de Suárez, Ander Gondra, Edu Zelaieta, Txema Ramírez de la Piscina and Irantzu Lekue.