Antonio Orejudo
(Madrid, 1963) is a PhD in Hispanic philology and for seven years he taught Spanish literature at American universities. He was a visiting researcher at the University of Amsterdam and is currently a tenured lecturer at the University of Almería. He has written novels such as ‘Fabulosas narraciones por historias’, ‘Ventajas de viajar en tren’, ‘Reconstrucción’ and ‘Un momento de descanso’, which have made him one of the most original and admired writers in contemporary Spanish literature. His latest books are ‘Los Cinco y yo’ and ‘Grandes éxitos’. All his work, distinguished by a mixture of transgression, comedy and academic writing, is published by the Tusquets publishing house.
Antonio Orejudo & Juan Pablo Villalobos
El humor de Pardo Bazán
La risa de Bolaño
Las armas del humor, salvas o balas