Cristina Morales
(Granada, 1985) holds a degree in Law and Political Science and is a specialist in International Relations. She lives in Barcelona, where she works as a choreographer and performer in the contemporary dance company Iniciativa Sexual Femenina. She was awarded the Premio Herralde novel prize for ‘Lectura fácil’ (Easy Reading) (Anagrama, 2018). She is also the author of ‘Terroristas modernos’ (Modern Terrorists) (Candaya, 2017), ‘Malas palabras’ (Bad Words) (Lumen, 2015) and ‘Los combatientes’ (The Combatants) (Caballo de Troya, 2013), and was awarded the 2012 INJUVE Prize for Narrative and was a finalist at the Festival du Premier Roman de Chambéry for the best first novel published in Spain in 2013. Her stories have appeared in several anthologies and literary magazines.