Elvira Roca Barea

Elvira Roca Barea

(El Borge, Malaga, 1966). She has a degree in Classical Philology and Hispanic Philology, and a PhD in Medieval Literature. She has collaborated with the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and writes articles in specialized magazines and the newspapers El Mundo, El País and ABC. She has taught at American universities and currently teaches literature at a high school in Malaga. She is the author of Imperiofobia y leyenda negra (Siruela, 2016), one of the most successful history essays of recent times, 6 relatos ejemplares 6, Fracasología: España y sus élites: de los afrancesados a nuestros días, Premio Espasa 2019, and Las brujas y el inquisidor, Premio Primavera de Novela 2023. Photo © Begoña Rivas


El humor en Galdós


El humor en Galdós