Joyce Carol Oates

Born in Lockport, New York, in 1938, Joyce Carol Oates is one of the great figures in contemporary American literature. A prolific author, she has published more than fifty novels and has a varied production of stories and essays. Some of her most outstanding books are The Gravedigger´s Daughter; Little Bird of Heaven; A Widow’s Story: A Memoir; Blonde; Carthage; Faithless: Tales of Transgression, and Lovely, Dark, Deep: Stories, all published in Spain by AlfaguaraA strong contender for the Nobel Prize for years now, she divides her time between writing and the courses she teaches at the University of Princeton, in New Jersey. Her latest novels are Jack of Spades: A Tale of Suspense. (Alfaguara, 2016) and A Book of American Martyrs (Alfaguara, 2017).


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