Javier Gomá
Javier Gomá was born in Bilbao in 1965. He holds a doctorate in Philosophy and a degree in Classical Philology and Law. In 1996 he began to work with the Juan March Foundation, and in 2003 he was appointed its director, a role that he currently holds. He obtained the National Essay Prize in 2004 for his first book, Imitación y experiencia, which, along with Aquiles en el gineceo and Ejemplaridad pública, forms a trilogy devoted to the experience of life. He has compiled his essays and lectures in Ingenuidad aprendida and in Todo a mil. He writes in newspapers, magazines and cultural supplements and collaborates on the “24 hours” radio news program on RNE (Spanish National Radio).
El humor en la filosofía
El humor en la pintura
Los tabúes del humor