Aged just nineteen, she began working as an actress, presenter and scriptwriter on Spanish National Radio. Indeed, her popular character Manolito Gafotas emerged out of this radio scripts. Her work, mainly published by Seix Barral, includes novels such as ‘Something More Unexpected than Death’, ‘What I Have Left to Live’ and ‘Places I Don’t Want to Share with Anyone’; the diary ‘Sleepless Nights’ and her chronicles for El País in ‘Don de Gentes’ and ‘Tinto de verano’. Her latest book is ‘30 Ways to Doff your Hat’. She was awarded the National Prize for Children´s and Young People´s Literature, the Biblioteca Prize for ‘A Word from You’ and the International Journalism Prize in 2015. She has also written several film scripts and is a regular collaborator in the newspaper El País.


Elvira Lindo

Elvira Lindo – PREMIO BBK Ja!

Una mujer inconveniente


Elvira Lindo

Elvira Lindo: Premio BBK Ja!

Una mujer inconveniente