Ja! Festival 2016

Programme 2016

Ja! Festival2016
Ja! number seven was the award to the tremendous in all senses of John Cleese. Throughout his time among us, he never for a moment spared us his affectionate sympathy. Walking down the street with him or sitting at a restaurant table was unbelievable. We gave him the award at the Champs Elysées Theatre to a sold-out audience. Or rather, the golden Ja! symbolising the award was handed to him by Joaquín Reyes and Ernesto Sevilla, who took part in the programme that year, kneeling on stage before the maestro. An aurresku of honour was performed by a dantzari dressed in a black suit and bowler hat (the txapela underneath, which John put on and never took off again) in his famous Silly Walks gag style.

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Photos 2016


Videos 2016

John Cleese – PREMIO BBK Ja!

John Cleese – PREMIO BBK Ja!I

Con el humor en la maleta

Con el humor en la maletaI

El vicio de la virtud

El vicio de la virtudI

La sátira

La sátiraI

Un diálogo chanante

Un diálogo chananteI

Una mujer inconveniente

Una mujer inconvenienteI

El humor en Cervantes y Shakespeare

El humor en Cervantes y ShakespeareI

Humor siniestro

Humor siniestroI

Trikitixa eta poesixa

Trikitixa eta poesixaI

Podcasts 2016

Protagonists 2016