(Buenos Aires, 1963) He has lived in Barcelona since 1999. His first book, ‘Historia Argentina‘, chosen by critics as the narrative revelation of 1991, was published in Spain by Anagrama, first in 1993 and, in a revised and expanded version, in 2009. His books ‘Esperanto’, ‘La velocidad de las cosas’, ‘Mantra’ (New Talent Award Fnac 2002), ‘Jardines de Kensington’ (Lateral Narrative Prize 2004, shortlisted for the José Manuel Lara Foundation Prize), ‘El fondo del cielo’ and the three-volume collection ‘La Parte Contada’,
comprising ‘La parte inventada’ (Best Translated Book Award 2018, USA), ‘La parte soñada’ and ‘La parte recordada’. His latest novel is Melvill. In 2017, Fresán was awarded the Prix Roger Caillois in France for his entire oeuvre as an “atypical, transgressive and inescapable writer”. He also works as a translator and writes as a cultural journalist for the Argentinian newspaper Página 12, the magazine Letras Libres and the cultural supplement of the newspaper ABC.


Farmacopea, alcohol y drogas en la literatura

Jonathan Coe

Jonathan Coe (V.O.S.E)

La risa de Bolaño

Lionel Shriver

Martin Amis (V.O.S)


Farmacopea, alcohol y drogas en la literatura

Jonathan Coe

Jonathan Coe V. O.

Lionel Shriver

Martin Amis